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"choose your colour"
marketing campaign concept


campaign idea

I think many people would agree that surfing is about bringing people together. The surfing community is a helpful, kind, and empathetic community. But surfing also forces you to take into account the specifics. Breaking a wave in San Diego is not the same as breaking a wave in Cornwall, Phuket, or Jeffrey's Bay. This idea of a warm and cozy yet so different environment inspired me to create this concept.


The idea behind the campaign is that the customer can customise the glasses and choose the colour that fits perfectly with their favourite old T-shirt or new trainers.  As the glasses change their colour from dull gray to playful green under the beam light of the UFO, so can the customer change a part of their daylife to suit their true self.



From a technical point of view, the main challenge was combining 2D graphics and 3D glass. It had to retain the alpha channel so that it was semi-transparent and didn't overlap the 2D image behind it. The glass is also rotating, which means that light sources must be accurately positioned. I also opted out of a realistic HDRI to avoid reflections that would be unsuitable in this scene


Glasses were created and rendered in Cinema 4D and RedShift, where a green UFO beam was added to create a more natural play of light and shadow on them. The 2D beam was added on top of the 3D beam. The rest of the scene was created in After Effects.


2D and 3D animation - Sergei Tiulkin

Sound design - Stepan Orlov

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